This API Updates address information of an existing Business Profile.
HTTP Headers
You must specify following HTTP Headers when making API call:
- content-type: application/json
- Referer:
Note: To know how to obtain API Key, Please refer to Getting Started page.
Request Body
"ProfileID" : 678,
"Address": {
"StreetAddress1": "84 Princeton Arms N.",
"StreetAddress2": "",
"CityName": "Cranbury",
"StateName": "New Jersey",
"CountryISOCode": "US",
"PostalCode": "08512"
ProfileID [Mandatory] : Numeric ID of the of the existing valid profile. This must be a numeric value. If you have created profile using Create Business Profile API, you will get ProfileID as part of the successful response. Regardless, if you don't know ProfileID, here is how you can obtain it. Please refer to the following screenshot:
Address [Mandatory] : is address of the business location. It's an object containing following fields
- StreetAddress1: First line of the Street Address.
- StreetAddress2: Second line of the Street Address.
- CityName: Name of the City. Please use our lookup tool to find out City Name: Address Lookup
- StateName: Name of State, Province or County.
- CountryISOCode: Country's ISO code. Please see all countries ISO Codes here :
Success Response:
Once successful the response returns HTTP Status Code: 200. Response Body will look like this. It will have ProfileID field with the value of newly created business profile.
"Message":"Your Business Profile has been created successfully !",
Error Response:
HTTP Status Code: 401 Unauthorized:
If APIKey header has not been supplied or it's invalid, the call will return Http Status Code: 401 Unauthorized. Response Body might look like:
"Message":"You are not authorized to perform this operation."
HTTP Status Code: 400 Bad Request:
If we are not able to understand the request or some of the values are not valid, the call will return Http Status Code: 400 Bad Request. Response Body might look like:
"ResultCode": 6,
"Errors": {
"Address": {
"PostalCode": "Invalid ZIP Code. Valid examples are 19702, 83347, 83347-8722 etc."
HTTP Status Code: 500 Internal Server error:
If we are not able process the request for internal processing error, the call will return Http Status Code: 500 Internal Server error. Response Body might look like:
"Message":"Unknown Error occurred. Please try again."